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Causes of Sinusitis
Blocked Sinuses
Sinus Pressure
Nasal Polyps
Post Nasal Drip
Bad Breath
Sinus Headaches

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Chronic Sinusitis

What is Chronic Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is the inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages (sinuses). This inflammation and swelling interferes with drainage and causes mucus to build up.

When you are frequently having bouts or recurring sinusitis attacks, or when an infection lasts more than three months, it could be Chronic Sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis can be caused by upper respiratory tract infection, allergies, fungi, growths in the sinuses (nasal polyps) or a deviated nasal septum.


Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis

The signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis are similar to acute sinusitis, except they last longer and causing a constant fatigued feeling.

The symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis are:

  • Green/yellow mucus
  • Constant Sinus Infections
  • Nasal obstruction/Congestion or blockage
  • Thick nasal discharge or discolored post-nasal drainage
  • Eye pain 
  • Teeth pain
  • Bad Breath 
  • Sore throat 
  • Sinus congestion and nasal congestion 
  • Pain in the roof of the mouth
  • A fever at times
  • Fatigue
  • Cough, which may be worse at night


Effective treatment

Chronic Sinusitis
Sinus-Pro Remedies Chronic Sinusitis Remedy
Assists in the treatment of Pressure, Congestion, Pain, Burning nasal discharge and Headaches.
Buy Now$62 (84 day supply)
Buy 2 and get a Discount$102 (168 day supply)
save $15


This remedy is made from natural ingredients and has no known side effects.

Our Chronic Sinusitis remedy has been proven to be effective in the following ways:

  • Helps one's body treat sinus infections.
  • Relieves Pressure and Congestion.
  • Clears and stops congested nasal passages
  • Helps to drain the sinuses
  • Relieves sinus pain and headaches.
  • Stops the burning
  • Stops nasal bleeding accompanying sinusitis
  • Decreases any swelling in the nasal passages
  • Stops the nasal tone in your voice
  • Prevents your sinusitis from becoming post nasal drip
  • Clears your post nasal drip and rhinitis

Common symptoms in children

Children with Chronic Sinusitis have symptoms that last for more than one month. They could have any of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Abnormal colored nasal discharge
  • Stuffy nose
  • Redness inside the nose
  • A cough (especially at night)
  • Snoring
  • Trouble sleeping

What will happen if I don't treat my Chronic Sinusitis immediately?

If Chronic Sinusitis is not treated it can cause damage to the sinuses and cheekbones which sometimes requires surgery to repair.



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