What is Frontal Sinuses?
The Frontal Sinuses are air-filled cavities which lie between the lamina of the frontal bone. The size and shape of this sinus varies among individuals. Frontal Sinusitis occurs from the inflammation of the Frontal or Ethmoid Sinuses.
The Frontal Sinuses drain into the nose through the Ethmoid Sinuses. If there is any obstruction or blockage of the Ethmoid Sinuses, this usually causes inflammation of Frontal Sinuses, which results in impaired mucus drainage. Accumulation of mucus secretions inside the moist, warm and dark sinuses promotes growth of infectious agents.
What is Sinusitis?
Sinusitis, is described as the inflammation of the sinuses (the hollow spaces in the bone of the cheek and forehead) due to viral or bacterial infections. This usually occurs when one or more of the sinus cavities (Frontal Sinuses) become inflamed due to blockage of the small tubes (ostium) attached to the nasal passages.
What causes Frontal Sinusitis?
- Bacterial infection
- Viral infection
- Nasal Polyps
- Tumors
- Septal deviation
- Traumatic injury
What are the symptoms of Frontal Sinusitis?
The symptoms are:
- Severe frontal headache
- Symptoms are worse when lying on your back and when pressing against the area over the eye on the side
- Nasal congestion
- Nasal discharge
- Severe cough
- Facial swelling
- Facial Pain
- Toothache
If Frontal Sinusitis is not treated promptly it can lead to meningitis.
Natural treatment
Click here to view the remedies for different types of Frontal Sinuses conditions.