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Our Products & Remedies Sinusitis Homeopathy Blocked Sinuses Order Now Nasal polyps sinus
Remedy Product
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Causes of Sinusitis
Blocked Sinuses
Sinus Pressure
Nasal Polyps
Post Nasal Drip
Bad Breath
Sinus Headaches

Sinus Diagnostics Tool
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Order: Chronic Sinusitis Remedy

All units come in an 84 day supply - 12 weeks.

A natural remedy that addresses and relieves all the major symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis (several sinus infections that has lasted between 3-6 months) and instructs your body to fight the infections and build up a resistance towards future infections.

Our Chronic Sinusitis remedy is safe for all ages and can be used with all prescribed medications including antibiotics.

This remedy is made from natural ingredients that are sprayed onto lactose tablets. The remedies being homeopathic in nature have no known side effects and are safe for all ages.

Lactose tablets have no known side effects and even patients with lactose intolerance can take then as they dissolve in the mouth and the dosages are too small to affect lactose intolerance people.

Our products were designed as a long term solution for Chronic and long lasting Sinus Problems.

Chronic Sinusitis Remedy... 84 days $62.00
Chronic Sinusitis Remedy... 168 days $109.00 Save $15
Chronic Sinusitis Remedy... 252 days $156.00 Save $30
Chronic Sinusitis Remedy... 336 days $203.00 Save $45

If you need more Information on this remedy click here.

With the Sinus-Pro products you will receive the following free:

  • An easy to read instruction guide.
  • A nutrition guide.
  • Free expert email and telephonic support.

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