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Chronic Sinusitis Ingredients |
The Sinus-Pro Chronic/Persistent Sinusitis Remedy has proved successful in treating Sinusitis that has been present for months and even years…
The following Natural Homeopathic Ingredients go into the production of the Chronic Sinusitis Remedy. These ingredients are made into liquid form using the Homeopathic technique of Dilution and trituration.
- Silicea 9X, 30C
Silicea is also known as Pure Flint and is ideal in treating:
- Treats dry, hard crusts that form in the nose and bleed when loosened
- Excessive sneezing
- Inflammation of the nostrils
- Anosmia (loss of smell)
- Itchiness of the nostrils
- Headaches
- Acidic nasal mucus
- Tightening of the throat
- Halitosis (bad breath)
- Rhinitis
- Pain felt in the nasal bones
- Large amounts of coryza
- Nasal obstruction with hard mucus
- Post nasal drip or a feeling of a lump being in the throat
- Loss of taste
- Dry cough
Click here for additional information on Silicea.
- Thuja Occidentalis 9X, 30C
Thuja Occidentalis or White Cedar is an effective Homeopathic Remedy for Chronic Sinusitis Symptoms. It works on treating: |
- Red or hot nose
- Post nasal drip (catarrh)
- Pain in the nose
- Pressure in the nose
- Nasal bleeding
- Headaches
- Excessive coryza
- A hoarse throat with coughing
- Discharge from the nose which may be thick, green and pus-like (green nasal mucus is often a sign of a sinus infection)
- Congestion
- Excessive catarrh
- Offensive smell originating from nose
Click here for additional information on Thuja Occidentalis. |
- Kalium Bichromicum 9X
Kalium Bichromicum also known as Potassium Bichromate is a Homeopathic preparation that helps relieve:
- Bronchitis
- Headaches experienced especially in the morning
- Inflammation of the internal and external ear canals with accompanying pain
- Fever
- Pressure and pain felt in the nose
- Post nasal drip and a runny nose (rhinitis). Discharge may be yellow in color and thick and burn
- Whopping cough
- Foul smell emanating from the nose
- Dry nose
- Sneezing
- Burning of the back of the throat with mucus accumulation
- A hoarse, sour throat with nasally voice (coughing may be present) with pain in the tonsils
- Blood in nasal mucus
- Congestion
- Loss of smell
- Vomiting or nausea caused by excess drainage of nasal mucus. Hawking up of green/yellow nasal mucus may also be present.
- Stiff neck muscles
Click here for additional information on Kali bichromicum.
Pulsatilla Pratensis or as it is also known, Anemone is one of the chief remedies used for inflamed mucus membranes (including those in the sinus cavities – sinusitis) as it targets: |
- Coughing
- Earache
- Epistaxis of nasal bleeding
- High body temperature (fever)
- Thick, coated tongue
- Earache
- Headaches - Frontal and Occipital Headaches
- Diminished hearing
- Inflamed mucus membranes
- Bronchitis
- Accumulation of nasal mucus at the back of the throat (post nasal drip)
- Swelling and redness of the eyes
- Sores and ulceration of the nasal passages with accompanying congestion
- A loss of taste and smell with large amounts of fluid coryza
- Thick yellow to green nasal discharge (colored nasal mucus may be indicative of a sinus infection)
Click here for additional information on Pulsatilla Pratensis. |
- Kalium Iodatum 9X
Kalium Iodatum (Potassium Iodide) is a homeopathic preparation which treats:
- Coughing and croup like symptoms
- Tenacious green nasal mucus (congestion)
- Post nasal drip
- Sore throat with coughing (producing green colored mucus)
- Pain in the occiput region with burning eyes
- Piercing earache
- Ringing/buzzing sounds in the ears
- Diminished hearing
- Profuse sneezing with a foul discharge of mucus being smelt by the nose
- Loss of smell
- Tingling and burning in nasal passages
- Reddening of the face with a red, swollen looking nose
- Profuse discharge of mucus that is thin and watery and feels acrid and hot
Click here for additional information on Kalium Iodatum.
- Sepia Officinalis 9X, 30C
Sepia Officinalis is derived from black ink of the Cuttlefish and has a marked affinity for the mucus membranes and skin.
It assists in treating: |
- Epistaxis or nasal bleeding
- Nasal inflammation
- Whooping cough
- Headaches
- Ulcerate nose with hard, crust mucus
- Anosmia (loss of smell)
- Blowing of yellow, green nasal mucus from nose
- Dry nasal passages
- Sneezing
- Bad breath
- Bitter taste in mouth
- Inflammation of the tonsils
- Hawking up of nasal mucus
- Thick, white coating on the tongue
- Pain in the larynx and throat
- Tiredness felt during the day
Click here for additional information on Sepia Officinalis. |
- Inactive ingredients: Lactose, Magnesium Stearate
Click here to order the Chronic Sinus Remedy
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