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Hayfever & Allergy Ingredients

The following natural ingredients are used in the Sinus-Pro, Hayfever & Allergy Remedy.

This Remedy is extremely effective in treating both every-day and Hayfever Allergies with accompanying Hayfever symptoms such as sneezing, fluid nasal mucus, itching of the ears, nose, throat and pallet together with headaches and congestion caused by allergies.

  • Sabadilla Officinarum (Cevadilla) 6X

Sabadilla Off helps relieve:

  • Fluid nasal coryza and headaches
  • A sore throat and inflammation of the throat
  • Nausea
  • Burning, redness, tearing and inflammation of the eyes
  • Itching in the nose with excessive sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Hayfever
  • Hawking up of nasal mucus and constant thick nasal mucus stuck in the throat

Click here for additional information on Sabidilla.

  • Histaminum Hydrochloricum 9X, 30C

It is found in the Sinus-Pro, Hayfever and Allergies Remedy and is prepared through the Homeopathic Process of titration and dilution making the end product highly effective and safe.

Click here for additional information on histamine.

  • Allium Cepa 6X, 30C
Allium Cepa is derived from a red onion; this ingredient targets:
  • Coughing, laryngitis and tickling of the throat
  • Fluid coryza with Hayfever
  • Burning and itching of the eyes
  • Sleepiness and tiredness (a general feeling of lethargy)
  • Tickling of the throat
  • Headaches
  • Excessive tearing and lachrymation (watery eyes)
  • Intense Sneezing with acrid and burning nasal discharge
Click here for additional information on Allium cepa.

  • Lachesis Mutus 8X

Lachesis is ideal in alleviating:

  • Excessive Coughing with sneezing
  • Hayfever symptoms
  • Frequent fevers
  • Laryngitis
  • Headaches especially in the morning extending to the nose and temples
  • Profuse lachrymation or excessive dryness of the eyes with swollen eyelids
  • Dry, hard earwax with a dryness of the ears
  • Diminished hearing
  • Congestion
  • Redness and swelling of the nose
  • Excessive fluid-like mucus discharge
  • Redness of the nose
  • Tickling in the throat with a dryness
  • Inflammation and hoarseness of the throat
  • Hawking up of nasal mucus
  • Thick, post nasal drip
  • Belching of stomach fluids and gasses
  • Itching of the eyes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Bad Breath (halitosis)
  • Sores developing on the palate of the mouth

Click here for additional information on Lachesis mutus.

  • Naja Tripudians 8X

Naja is rendered safe through the Homeopathic Process of titration and dilution. It helps assist in the treatment of:

  • Headaches (frontal headache) and constricted feelings across the entire head
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • A foul taste in mouth
  • Excessive, acidic nasal drainage
  • Congestion and painful and ulcerated nostrils
  • Hoarseness of the throat with a large accumulation of mucus
  • Sneezing may be present

Click here for additional information on Naja Tripudians.

  • Inactive ingredients: Sucrose/Lactose

Click here to order the Hayfever & Allergy Remedy



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