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Nasal Polyps Ingredients

The Sinus-Pro, Nasal Polyp Remedy is a non-toxic, safe and potent Homeopathic Remedy which addresses nasal polyps. We have added three essential ingredients, Thuja Occidentalis, Phosphorous and Teucrum Marum to make this formula effective in treating polyps, nasal congestion and sinusitis.

The following natural ingredients are made into a liquid form using a homeopathic technique and are then utilized in the production of the Nasal Polyps Remedy.

  • Thuja Occidentalis 7X, 30C
Thuja Occidentalis or White Cedar is ideal in treating:
  • Nasal, Ear and Vocal cord polypus
  • Frontal sinus catarrh
  • Headaches especially in the morning
  • Post nasal drip
  • Whooping cough
  • Nasal bleeding with scabs in the nose
  • Fluid coryza from nose
  • Blowing of nose reveals thick green mucus discharge with blood
  • Difficulty breathing
Click here for additional information on Thuja Occidentalis.

  • Plumbum Metallicum 7X

    Plumbum is derived from carbonate of lead, manufactured into a Homeopathic Preparation making it an extremely safe and effective treatment for nasal polyps.

Plumbum assists in alleviating:

  • Inflammation and swelling of the nasal linings
  • Vesicles which have formed in the nose and sinus cavities which may weep pus-like fluid
  • Congestion and an accumulation of mucus in the nose
  • Inflammation of the throat area including the tonsils
  • Hoarseness and the hawking up of nasal mucus from the throat


  • Teucrum Marum Verum 7X, 30C

Teucrum Marum is known as Cat-Thyme and is a wonderful additive to the Sinus-Pro Nasal Polyps Remedy as it assists in:

  • Treating a congested/obstructed nose
  • Treating nasal polyps
  • Alleviating pain in the nose (Nose is sore to touch)

Click here for additional information on Teucrium Marum Verum.

  • Kalium Nitricum 7X
Kali Nit is commonly known as saltpeter and helps assist in treating:
  • Headaches especially experienced in the morning upon rising
  • Bleeding on the nose
  • Polyps
  • Burning in the nasal passages
  • A loss of smell
  • Congestion of the nasal passages and sinus cavities
  • Inflammation and swelling of the nose
  • Halitosis
Click here for additional information on Kalium Nitricum.

  • Phosphorus 7X, 30C, 200C

Phos or yellow phosphorus is one of the oldest homeopathic medicines used. It is ideal in treating:

  • Polypus and polypus in the nose
  • Loss of smell
  • Nasal bleeding
  • Coughing and coup symptoms Coup
  • A dry throat with a loss of voice
  • Phlegm
  • Swollen and sore nose with ulcers forming on the nostrils
  • Blocked nasal passages/congestion
  • Constant sneezing
  • Dry cough-coup with green nasal mucus

Click here for additional information on Phosphorus.

  • Calcarea Carbonica 7X, 200C
Calc carb (Carbonalte of Lime) has been added to the nasal polyp’s formula as it is one of the most useful treatments used for nasal polyps and helps address:
  • Fluid coryza
  • Ear polyps
  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Internal and external inflammation of the nose
  • Yellow mucus congestion
  • Polyps in the nose
  • Fatigue
  • Dry nasal passages
Click here for additional information on Calcarea Carbonica.

  • Baryta Carbonica 30C

Baryta Carb is also known as Carbonate of Barium and is an ideal ingredient in helping treat:

  • Pressure and pain in the head region
  • Profuse nasal bleeding (epistaxis) with crusts forming in the nose
  • Large amounts of thick, nasal mucus being produced by the sinus cavities and nasal passages
  • A feeling as if you constantly have something stuck in your throat
  • Hoarseness of voice and coughing


  • Inactive ingredients: Lactose, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Dextrose, Crosscarmellose Sodium, Magnesium Stearate


Click here to order the Nasal Polyps Remedy


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