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Neti Pot


A Neti Pot looks like a little teapot. You prepare salt water or saline solution and heat to body temperature (use battery or electricity). Then, by placing the spout in one nostril and tilting the head with the spout staying in the upper nostril, begin pouring the saline solution. Gravity then takes the water inside and down to the lower nostril and out.

Advantages of using a Neti Pot:

  • Some bring relief if used correctly and may be very effective after surgery
  • They soothe engorged sinuses

Disadvantages of using Neti Pot:

  • Some are fragile and likely to break sooner or later.
  • Non-hygienic- may have small pores into which dirt, bacteria and germs may stick
  • It's a very complex, complicated and difficult product to use (operates by battery or electricity)
  • It is messy and uncomfortable
  • Copper and Sodium (depending on what it's made of) leftovers can pour up your nose
  • Process can be painful
  • Can't fit in most nostrils especially children's

Neti Pots (whether they're made of plastic, copper, steel, ceramic, metallic, stainless steel, gold or platinum) are not a medication that you can travel with. We recommend that you only consider using them after a surgery. However you don't need any surgery if you use one of our Sinus-Pro remedies.

The reason you should use Sinus-Pro Nasal polyps remedy especially if you have been through a surgery is that it will:

  • Treat Nasal Polyps
  • Reduce the size of Nasal Polyps
  • Prevent any new Nasal Polyps from growing
  • Prevent further Nasal Polyp growth after surgery
  • Treat the bleeding associated with Nasal Polyps
  • Treat the pain caused by Nasal Polyps
  • Reduce swelling of the mucous membranes
  • Reduce itching and tickling within the nostrils
  • Prevent mouth breathing and snoring

Please try our Nasal Polyps remedy if you have been told that you need a surgery. Click here to view Nasal Polyps remedy.

If you are or have used Neti Pot please email [email protected] we would love to know how the experience was/is.

Reviews on:

  1. Nasal Spray
  2. Grossan Irrigator





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