All ingredients are diluted according to the FDA and HPUS to make each and every ingredient safe and effective.
Post Nasal Drip Ingredients
Hydrastis Canadensis
Kalium Bichromicum
Mercurius Vivus
Natrum Muriaticum
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of Post Nasal Drip.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for Post Nasal Drip.
Rhinitis Ingredients
Arsenicum Album
Kalium Muriaticum
Natrum Muriaticum
Nux Vomica
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of Rhinitis.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for Rhinitis.
Hayfever Ingredients
Allium Cepa
Histamine Hydrochloride
Lachesis Mutus
Naja Tripudians
Sabadilla Officinarum
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of Hayfever.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for Hayfever.
Chronic Sinusitis Ingredients
Kalium Bichromicum
Kalium Iodatum
Pulsatilla Pratensis
Sepia Officinalis
Thuja Occidentalis
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of Chronic Sinusitis.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for Chronic Sinusitis.
General Sinusitis Ingredients
Calcarea Carbonica
Hepar Sulphuris Calcarea
Kalium Bichromicum
Mercurius Vivus
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of General Sinusitis.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for General Sinusitis.
Nasal Polyps Ingredients
Calcarea Carbonica
Kalium Nitricum
Teucrum Marum
Thuja Occidentalis
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of Nasal Polyps.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for Nasal Polyps.
Halitosis (Bad Breath) Ingredients
Arsenicum Album
Carbo Vegetabilis
Chelidonium Majus
Hepar Sulphuris Calcarea
Mercurius Vivus
Nitricum Acidum
Nux Vomica
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of Halitosis.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for Halitosis.
Sinus Headache Ingredients
Aurum Metallicum
Bryonia Alba
Chamomilla Metracaria
Gelsemium Sempiverens
Kalium Bichromicum
Kalium Iodatum
Sticta Pulmonaria
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of Sinus Headache.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for Sinus Headache.
Sinus Pressure Ingredients
Aurum Metallicum
Euphrasia Officinalis
Kalium Bichromicum
Kalium Iodatum
Lachesis Mutis
Teucrum Marum
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of Sinus Pressure.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for Sinus Pressure.
Fungus Allergy Ingredients
Candida Albicans
Helonios Dioca
Hepar Sulphuris Calcarea
Sepia Officinalis
Thuja Occidentalis
A homeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of Fungus Allergy.
Click here for the full ingredients list and what each ingredient does for Fungus Allergy.